
Maca de Castro, a talented Mallorcan chef, immerses us in her intriguing culinary universe, awakening the senses with flavours that reflect her deep respect for the land. Antes de que la tendencia por ingredientes locales se hiciera popular, Maca ya exploraba la isla en busca de elementos excepcionales como el “cocovet pobler”, mariscos frescos, leche de yegua y verduras de sus propios huertos en Sa Pobla.

The dishes

The dishes that emerge from Maca de Castro’s hands are true sensory symphonies, a celebration in honour of Mallorca’s distinctive character, presented in a contemporary and bold manner.

Flavours that reflect our
respect for the land.

Our philosophy

Listen to the heartbeat of the planet, use the resources the earth has to offer in a careful way, that’s why their motto is: Eat close, go far. Self-sufficiency understood as a working system to connect the whole team. Es un ecosistema coherente unido desde la raíz de las verduras que planta en su huerta hasta la sonrisa que deja un comensal al probar uno de sus bocados.

The restaurant

Inside the restaurant, the room becomes a canvas where the island’s thousand-year-old vineyards are drawn, the aroma of the barrels is breathed in and the wine pairing is carried out with special care to satisfy the tastes of the diners. Here, wines with captivating stories from all over the world merge to satisfy the most demanding palates.


It is a special place, a gastronomic sanctuary that is not subject to fashions. This place transcends labels. Here, flavours intertwine in an exceptional dance. In the silence, without background music, it is like a blank canvas. The cook is the artisan, she is an artist who paints with flavours, creating an experience where everything feels different.


Maca de Castro, a talented Mallorcan chef, immerses us in her intriguing culinary universe, awakening the senses with flavours that reflect her deep respect for the land. Before the trend for local ingredients became popular, Maca was already exploring the island in search of exceptional items such as caproig, fresh seafood, mare’s milk and vegetables from his own garden in Sa Pobla.

The dishes

The dishes that emerge from Maca de Castro’s hands are true sensory symphonies, a celebration in honour of Mallorca’s distinctive character, presented in a contemporary and bold manner.

Our philosophy

Listen to the heartbeat of the planet, use the resources the earth has to offer in a careful way, that’s why their motto is: Eat close, go far. Self-sufficiency understood as a working system to connect the whole team. It is a coherent ecosystem united from the root of the vegetables he plants in his garden to the smile that a customer leaves behind when tasting one of his bites.

The restaurant

Inside the restaurant, the room becomes a canvas where the island’s thousand-year-old vineyards are drawn, the aroma of the barrels is breathed in and the wine pairing is carried out with special care to satisfy the tastes of the diners. Here, wines with captivating stories from all over the world merge to satisfy the most demanding palates.

It is a special place, a gastronomic sanctuary that is not subject to fashions. This place transcends labels. Here, flavours intertwine in an exceptional dance. In the silence, without background music, it is like a blank canvas. The cook is the artisan, she is an artist who paints with flavours, creating an experience where everything feels different.

Gastronomic experience


4 Manos

Las cocineras Maca de Castro y Ruth Pérez junto al maestro de la parrilla marina Aitor Arregi, han diseñado un menú degustación exclusivo para el viernes 18 de octubre en el restaurante Jardín. 

Día: Viernes 18 de octubre

Hora: 20:00 h

Lugar: Restaurante Jardín

Dirección: Carrer de Juno, s/n,

07400 Alcúdia, Illes Balears

Precio por persona: 180€

Plazas completas